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I simply ask that you just please give me a bit of respect and let me have what s sacred to me. The churchlady, and the church, had been mistaken by your individual dogmatic conclusions to have persecuted somebody to return property that wasn t really property to start with. The concept that imposing social penalties for harboring and spreading silly ideas is wrong and bad helps dangerous memes to spread. I believe tm called you a silly fucking piece of mendacity corrupt foul rubbish. And with out you really quoting him, your declare that he has made that argument is dubious, particularly given how demonstrably silly you might be and quick to misinterpret arguments. Well, you declare the substance to be God. Well, there was the comment where you asked How many people that flew planes into the Twin Towers that fateful day had been hungry and undereducated again? Or a sammich. Most people (particularly hungry people) eat it there, but one person decides to pocket it and stroll away. To provide one small example of what I m speaking about, consider the next trendy assertion: The overwhelming majority of Muslims are perfectly decent people who are simply as horrified by fundamentalist Islam as you and me. Now I want this to be true, but I have absolutely no proof that it is true.
Just because you assert something as true, it doesn t mean that it s true. The fact that they are good, doesn t come from the fact that God says to do them. Eucharist become NOT property, such that a Catholic Church leader doesn t feel obligated to assault someone with a view to retrieve it? I won t. I ll justify the translation permitted by the Catholic Church as a result of I m CATHOLIC! Or was that a freudian slip on your half to name the church itself a religion? I see. Funny. I always thought it was a religion. I see you ve made YOUR selection, although. In that case, please I d wish to see the place this occurs. That s the irony: People you don t like are just ignorant morons. To assume you are mocking the intelligence of a child